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Showing posts from September, 2020

Education in British Rule. {PART-01}

  Education In Pre-British Times Before the arrival of British, the system of education in India was very flexible. There were 'pathshalas' and 'madrasahs' in which a few students were taught by their teacher. There were no prescribed books textbooks. All teaching was imparted orally, generally at the house of the teacher. There was no fixed curriculum and the teacher taught whatever he deemed best for his students. Sanskrit, Persian and Mathematics were the most popular subjects. Science and geography were not taught. There was also no system of examinations. The teacher had a lot of freedom quite unlike the system prevalent today. Think about it:  Compare the system of education prevalent in pre-British times with that of today. Comment Downward! At the times of British, the great Indians minds were divided into two groups:  The Orientalists  and  The Anglicists . The Orientalists:  A linguist named  Sir William Jones  arrived in Calcutta in 178...