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How did the Revolt Of 1857 in India took place? & Its Causes. {PART-01 Of Revolt Of 1857}.

An Imaginary Picture Of The Revolt.

One cold morning in January 1857, at an army camp in Dum Dum, a sepoy of the Bengal Native Infantry was walking back to his quarters with a pot of water. On the way he met a Khalasi (labourer) who asked him for a drink. This was a time when caste divisions in Indian society were very strict. The Brahman sepoy refused to give water to low cast khalasi. The khalasi was hurt and said,"You are very proud to your cast. Wait a little and the sahib log will make you bite bullets smeared with the fat of cows and pigs. Then where will your cast be?"
The khalasi worked at the Dum Dum ammunition factory. He was referring to the new rifle and its bullets, soon to be introduce in the army. The news that the bullets of the rifle were smeared with cow and pig fat spread from regiment to regiment like wildfire. By the month of May, sepoys at army camps across Awadh (UP) were ready to revolt. The First War Of Independence was about to begin.
There were many more causes also of the revolt.

Causes Of The Uprising:-
1. Economic Cause-
  • The main cause of popular discontent was the British policy of economically exploiting India. The peasants suffered due to high revenue demand and the strict policy of its collection. Even when crops failed, they were forced to pay the land revenue.
  • Artisans and craftsmen were ruined by unfair competition.
2. Political Causes-  
  • The British policy of annexing territories led to the displacement of the ruling classes.
  • The rulers who accepted the terms of the Subsidiary Alliance lost their independence.
  • The strict enforcement of the policy of Doctrine Of Lapse turned Rani Lakshmi Bai against the British .She led the revolt in Jhansi.
3. Social Causes-
  • The British passed laws banning "sati" and legalising widow remarriage. Women were encouraged to take up western education.
  • The social discrimination faced by the people due to the British attitude of racial discrimination.
  • Indian were not allowed to travel in first class compartment in Trains.
4. Religious Causes-
  • The major cause of uprising was the fear among the people that the Company wanted to convert all Indians to Christianity. The Christian missionaries were very active at that time.
  • The belief that their religion was under threat united all sections of society against the British.
5. Military Causes-

  • The sepoys were paid much less than the British Soldiers, this was also a main cause of the revolt.
  • The sepoys were not allowed to wear cast and religious marks.
  • All high posts in the army were reserved for the Britishers.
6. Immediate Causes-
  • There was widespread discontent against the British rule. By 1857, the stage was set for a massive outbreak.
  • Only a spark was needed to set the country ablaze. A rifle cartridge provided that spark .



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